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11/13/2014 1:00:29 PM
At Last! Microsoft Releases .NET as Open Source
.NET Framework 4.6,.NET Core 5,NET 2015 Preview,.NET Applications,Open Source
App Developer Magazine
At Last! Microsoft Releases .NET as Open Source


At Last! Microsoft Releases .NET as Open Source

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

It's big news for .NET where, on top of the release of .NET 2015 Preview, Microsoft has announced that .NET is entering a new era as it becomes open source as a core principal, enabling .NET applications to run on multiple operating systems. 

As part of .NET 2015 Preview, Microsoft is delivering .NET Core 5, which is a completely open source stack and can run on multiple operating systems. Microsoft is only contributing .NET Core 5 to the .NET Foundation and will openly collaborate with the community to ensure a strong relationship with existing .NET open source communities, in particular the Mono community. 

The announcement was made at the Connect(); event and includes these highlights:

- .NET Core 5 is open source on GitHub

- Microsoft will support .NET Core 5 on Windows, Linux and Mac

- Microsoft has contributed .NET Core 5 to the .NET Foundation

- .NET Framework 4.6 reference source now uses the MIT license

- Renewed collaboration with the Mono Project

Microsoft has released a mountain of information around this announcement and instead of regurgitating it to you here, go to these links for more info:

Read more: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/vstudio/aa496123

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