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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/kii-cloud-based-mobile-backend-platform-now-available-on-aws-marketplace/
4/29/2014 1:19:14 PM
Kii Cloud based Mobile Backend Platform Now Available on AWS Marketplace
MBaaS, mobile cloud, mobile backend, mobile A/B testing, Platform-as-a-service, MBaas
App Developer Magazine

Kii Cloud based Mobile Backend Platform Now Available on AWS Marketplace

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Kii, a mobile backend-as-a-service (MBaaS) provider, has announced their platform’s availability on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace and are now a member of the AWS Partner Network (APN) for enterprises and startup mobile app companies. 

Developers who are either starting, or currently building their apps, can sign-up for free to access Kii’s full-stack mobile backend platform where they can conduct A/B Testing in the MBaaS space. The platform also works with Android, iOS, JavaScript and Unity SDK operating systems.

Kii as a Platform-as-a-service environment that is optimized for mobile apps and games. Just as AWS makes it simpler for developers, by enabling them to quickly provision servers and infrastructure, Kii takes offers an environment where developers simply have to push code with a few lines. This includes removing all the server’s infrastructure deployment and management hassle. 

Kii comes out-of-the-box with all the backend building blocks including data and user management, push notifications, geo-location, social network integrations, analytics, and A/B testing services, so developers don't have to provision those services individually from different providers. In turn, this can reduce the time to market from months to hours. With Kii running on AWS, this enables developers to build apps quickly, while also providing a platform that can handle usage fluctuation and scale massively.

The Kii platform comes out-of-the-box with Android, iOS, JavaScript and Unity SDKs that are supplemented with developer portal and key-value storage for apps. Other features include user management such as authentication using social network credentials, flexible data management, push notifications so app developers can send alerts to their users or to the app itself, geolocation to offer location-based services, server extension access and team collaboration.

Developers can sign up for free and start building apps today by visiting Kii on the AWS Marketplace.

Read more: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00IY0Z5NA/r...

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