1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/api
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/google-cloud-speech-api-now-supports-30-more-languages/
8/22/2017 8:52:21 AM
Google Cloud Speech API now supports 30 more languages
AI Speech Recognition,Speech Recognition Software,Cloud AI
App Developer Magazine

Google Cloud Speech API now supports 30 more languages

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Google Cloud Speech API improves their speech recognition capabilities with 30 new languages supported.

Google has recently updated their Cloud Speech API to better improve their search recognition abilities. The new updates further extend their language support to help their customers utilizeAI in all new ways. From voice-activated commands and data analytics to call center routing, the applications of AI enabled speech recognition are virtually endless.

Here's what the new updates entail.

Word-level timestamps:

Every word that is recognized through the Cloud Speech API is now going to have timestamps that correspond to when a word was used in a conversation.

“Now with Google Cloud Speech API timestamps, we can accurately analyze phone call conversations between two individuals with real-time speech-to-text transcription, helping our customers drive business impact. The ability to easily find the place in a call when something was said using timestamps makes Cloud Speech API much more useful and will save our customers’ time,” says VoxImplant CEO Alexey Aylarov.

Support for files up to 3 hours long:

Google is also increasing the length of supported files from 80 minutes to up to 3 hours. "Additionally, files longer than 3 hours could be supported on a case-by-case basis by applying for a quota extension through Cloud Support."

Expanded language coverage:

Cloud Speech API supports 89 language varieties, but after the update 30 additional language varieties covering more than one billion speakers will be added to the ranks.

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