1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/enterprise
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/circleci-ceo-jim-rose-discusses-new-continuous-integration-and-deployment-platform/
12/17/2015 8:01:25 AM
CircleCI CEO Jim Rose Discusses New Continuous Integration and Deployment Platform
Continuous Integration,Continuous Delivery,GitHub Enterprise
App Developer Magazine
CircleCI CEO Jim Rose Discusses New Continuous Integration and Deployment Platform


CircleCI CEO Jim Rose Discusses New Continuous Integration and Deployment Platform

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Richard Harris Richard Harris

We recently visited with Jim Rose, CEO of CircleCI, about the company’s recent release of its new CircleCI Enterprise solution which offers a continuous integration and deployment platform that provides security and configurability that comes from running inside a private cloud or data center.

ADM: Can you tell us about CircleCI?

Rose: Put simply, we help modern software teams rapidly build, test, and deploy reliable code. For the past four years we’ve helped thousands of development teams ship better applications, faster. 

ADM: CircleCI Enterprise launched on December 14 - what drove your team to create CircleCI Enterprise?

Rose: Working with developers across so many different industries we’ve really seen how teams structure and evolve their software development processes. After hearing from a number of customers that wanted a way to use CircleCI behind their own firewall, we set out to make that possible. 

We maintained all of the CircleCI.com functionality our users have trusted for years and brought it to CircleCI Enterprise. Over the past several months we beta tested CircleCI Enterprise with dozens of customers, and are proud to make it generally available.  

ADM: Why would a developer team choose CircleCI Enterprise versus your cloud product?

Rose: Teams that use GitHub Enterprise or need to deploy CircleCI behind their firewall for policy or regulatory compliance are best suited for CircleCI Enterprise.

ADM: What are some companies who are using CircleCI Enterprise today?

Rose: We have nearly a dozen companies that have been happily using CircleCI Enterprise, including Manheim and Nextdoor.com. 

ADM: Where can we point our readers to sign up - or reach out with questions?

Rose: You can find our more by heading to http://circleci.com/enterprise or sending a note to [email protected]

ADM: Can you tell us about CircleCI Insights?

Rose: Insights is our interactive visual dashboard that lets users see and understand all their builds on CircleCI at a glance. Insights gives users the tools to dig deep into your build history and find the meaningful statistics to improve performance and keep your team shipping. Readers can learn more by visiting our blog announcing CircleCI Insights. 

ADM: We noticed CircleCI has a strong user community - how do you foster that?

Rose: We are built by a community of developers, for developers - which is a great start. At CircleCI we are passionate about testing, continuous integration and continuous delivery, and we genuinely want to bring together our users to share ideas, best practices, collaborate, and learn from each other. 

With that in mind, this Fall we launched our own Discourse site, Discuss CircleCI. Our users consider us part of their team, so we enjoy answering their questions and helping them succeed in our support channels, which also helps foster that community.

ADM: Your company is experiencing significant growth - why do you believe that is?

Rose: The market has changed significantly. Every business is now a software business. Speed and quality matter more than ever, and complexity is increasing dramatically. So the way people build software is changing in response to that. Companies need to increase velocity and decrease risk, and the best way to do that is through the automation of the software delivery process. We allow software teams to do just that.  

The market is growing, and getting bigger. We are one of the largest tools that allows for speed and quality, and as a result we are seeing a lot of growth. The market is really taking off, and we’re excited to bring more companies into our community for 2016.

Read more: https://circleci.com/enterprise

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