App Developer Magazine Annual Predictions Entry

Our yearly software & app predictions for 2024 official entry

App and Software Predictions Industry Predictions for 2023
Have a vision for the future of the software & app industry? App Developer Magazine invites you to share your foresight for 2024! Submit your predictions now and be part of the conversation shaping the next frontier in tech. Your insights could be the guiding light for developers, businesses, and innovators worldwide. Let's co-create the future – submit your 2024 software & app industry prediction today and make your mark in the annals of tech evolution!

2024 will be our 8th annual “predictions” issue.

Last year’s globally hit over 12 million views + our 105,000 subscriber readership.

We publish our annual "Predictions" yearly in January.

You are welcome to submit a complimentary forecast by emailing your predictions to Please note that these free submissions are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and there is a possibility that your prediction may not be featured.

If you would like guaranteed insertion, circulation on our website & newsletter, the cost of insertion is $299.

Paid submission includes a single full-color page in our Annual predictions issue, circulation throughout our website and mobile news feeds, and mentions in our newsletters. We have additional options for even more promotion if you like as well.

To submit your prediction click or tap the "Add to Cart" button below.

Example Prediction Entries from 2023

App and Software Prediction Examples from 2023App and Software Predictions Industry Predictions for 2023