1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/developer-jobs
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/the-developer-shortage-is-real-and-it's-going-to-hit-the-cloud-market-real-soon/
11/7/2016 2:06:46 PM
The developer shortage is real and it's going to hit the cloud market real soon
Cloud Market,Developer Shortage
App Developer Magazine
Developer Jobs

The developer shortage is real and it's going to hit the cloud market real soon

Monday, November 7, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Global research (across 8 geographies and with nearly 900 respondents) made something crystal clear - the developer shortage is real and it’s going to hit the cloud market really hard, really soon. And the drain is coming from a surprising place -Global 2000 businesses not traditionally known as IT companies.
A majority of companies (64 percent) see the gap and are beginning to feel its impact. The impact will only increase as these businesses move further along their journey to digital transformation. Worse still, a plurality (57 percent) say this shortage is already impacting their ability to hire the right people.

Cloud Foundry just completed a comprehensive global survey on why this is happening based on interviews with more than 800 IT executives.

Here are the main takeaways:
1. Yes, the shortage is real, driven NOT by IT companies, but by traditional (Global 2000) businesses need for developers.
- A majority (64%) of companies see the gap and are starting to feel its impact.

2. Discrete technologies are in the greatest demand.
- Companies are prioritizing specialized skills such as mobile application development, language-specific coding and deployment on specific IAAS, while fundamental skills -such as continuous delivery, continuous integration and test-driven development–are notably the least in demand.

3. Training is key
- Companies are looking to training to address these challenges, predominantly choosing to train existing employees over hiring new developers or outsourcing. Digital transformation is more than technology, it’s a profound cultural shift. That means investing in your own people with cloud skills training.

Read more: https://www.cloudfoundry.org/learn/developer-gap-2...

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