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1/13/2016 7:04:21 PM
VoltDB's SQL Solution Combines Streaming Analytics with Transaction Processing
VoltDB,OLTP,Open TAS,SQL Server
App Developer Magazine

VoltDB's SQL Solution Combines Streaming Analytics with Transaction Processing

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

VoltDB offers an in-memory SQL database solution that combines streaming analytics with transaction processing in a single, horizontal scale-out platform. Companies use VoltDB to build applications that process streaming data the instant it arrives to make immediate, per-event, context-aware decisions providing the ability to receive real-time in-transaction analytics.

VoltDB has announced it is working with Nokia Networks to utilize VoltDB to provide real-time data solutions that enhance mobile subscriber services through the Nokia Open Telecom Application Server (Open TAS), a component of the Nokia Telco Cloud. 
As Mobile broadband operators continue to move their networks to the cloud, VoltDB provides a viable option to facilitate a fast online transaction processing (OLTP) database which helps operators like Nokia Networks accelerate time to market for Open TAS and to reduce management complexity. 

VoltDB offers a high throughput, lowest latency, SQL relational database which is specifically built to access the value of fast data. It enables developers to build fast data pipelines by combining the capabilities of an operational database, streaming analytics and per-event transactions in a single, integrated platform.
VoltDB recently released Version 5.8 of its OLTP database, which is now available for download. Included in the release is the availability of Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR), offering two-way active replication across two database clusters. XDCR provides the ability to maintain separate, synchronized writable databases in two separate locations. This capability helps companies who require the flexibility to replicate data precisely in geographically-distributed datacenters.

Read more: http://voltdb.com/download/software

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