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7/8/2015 10:00:22 AM
Sencha Releases Updated JavaScript HTML5 Web App Platform
HTML5 App,Web Application,JavaScript,UI Widgets
App Developer Magazine

Sencha Releases Updated JavaScript HTML5 Web App Platform

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Sencha has announced new web application development offerings with the general availability release of Sencha Ext JS 6 and revamped Sencha Web Application Manager (formerly known as Sencha Space), part of the new Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform.

Sencha Ext JS 6 offers a JavaScript framework for building cross-platform web applications targeting desktop, tablets, and smartphones. Ext JS uses HTML5 features on modern browsers while maintaining compatibility and functionality for legacy browsers. It offers a collection of customizable UI widgets including HTML5 grids, trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and more.

The Sencha Ext JS 6 is part of the Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform offering an open, modular platform where users can choose to either utilize the full platform or individual products such as Ext JS 6.

New features in Sencha Ext JS 6 and Sencha Web Application Manager include:

- Near real-time theme generation capability with Fashion, which eliminates the dependency on Ruby and Compass.

- Enhanced accessibility with improved keyboard navigation for grid components, and default screen reader support.

- New application templates which enable developers to accelerate application design and development.

- Enhanced data analytics with Sencha PivotGrid.

- Deeper integration into the development workflow with JetBrains IDE plugin for IntelliJ, WebStorm and PhpStorm, providing significant productivity improvements

- Enhanced over-the air web application deployment for improved performance, efficiency and user experience.

- Improved reporting on user, device, and application activity and performance

- In-application event capture for fine-grained application analytics

- Expanded desktop debugging capabilities enable the use of popular web development troubleshooting tools

- Simplified customization of the client application

Read more: http://www.sencha.com/web-application-lifecycle-ma...

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