1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/marketing-&-promotion
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/app-marketing-in-the-real-world:-16-examples-of-successful-strategies/
1/19/2015 8:40:12 AM
App Marketing in the Real World: 16 Examples of Successful Strategies
App Developer Magazine
Marketing & Promotion

App Marketing in the Real World: 16 Examples of Successful Strategies

Monday, January 19, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

I was a member of a trade association in my early days right after college. It gave me an opportunity to learn about other companies in the industry (many I was competing with) and network with the people who worked with these companies.

One the things I learned through these relationships was we were all trying to find out what other companies were doing to be successful and “borrowing” those ideas. It might seem kind of sneaky, but success is hard to beat and who doesn’t want to emulate success?

One of the things that we do really well here at App Developer Magazine is to showcase how companies execute successful ideas and strategies within their specific niche. From an app marketing standpoint, going boilerplate with ideas won’t guarantee success, however learning what other app publishers do successfully does help to understand the fundamental underlying strategies that these companies are employing, provides insight into how to effectively execute campaigns, and see what the results were.

To help showcase real world app marketing success, Localytics has published a case study focusing on 16 companies, examining in detail each specific strategy that these companies used to market their apps. As the guide dives into each company, it provides specific actionable takeaways and tips you can use to market your app. Each approach is different, yet they all have one thing in common – success.

In the guide, Localytics also presents what it calls the “Four Pillars of App Marketing,” explaining what these concepts are and how you can use this knowledge in your marketing efforts. They also take a look at what the future holds for app marketing and concepts you need to keep top of mind.

All in all, you get 50 pages of real world marketing tactics. The guide is free and available as a download on the Localytics website. The best part is that these are insights you are free to “borrow” and implement into your app marketing efforts!

Read more: http://info.localytics.com/ebook-real-life-example...

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