appnation vi @ ces and at

appnation vi @ ces and at news search results

Developer news items we found relating to appnation vi @ ces and at

2 results

APPNATION VI @ CES and AT&T Developers Conference See Record Crowds as Developers Look to New Technologies, IoT and Connected Devices for 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 by

I arrived in Vegas just in time Sunday afternoon to catch the tail end of the AT&T Developer Hackathon where over $100k in prizes were given away. I caught the AT&T Developer Conference opening keynote at the Palms and then swung over to the Cosmopolitan for APPNATION VI @ CES.By the time I got to APPNATION the event was already in full swing. By noon it was a p...


There Is Still Time to Get Travel Deals for APPNATION VI @ CES and CES 2015 in Las Vegas January 5 9

Thursday, December 18, 2014 by

I just received an email from one of the airlines I travel with letting me know that they are having a huge sale the first week of January. It makes sense - everyone is blowing out New Years Eve week with parties, vacations and bowl games; carrying the good times through the New Year’s weekend, and spending the next week recovering.Lucky for me, procrastinating can some...