Esomimx7 system on module has been released

Esomimx7 system on module has been released news search results

Developer news items we found relating to Esomimx7 system on module has been released

1 results

eSOMiMX7 System on Module has been released

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 by

e-con Systems Inc. announced the release of its eSOMiMX7 System on Module. The eSOMiMX7 is based on NXP/Freescale i.MX7 processor. e-con Systems already has many customers in mass production using system on modules, such as the eSOMiMX6-micro, eSOMiMX6, eSOMTK1 and eSOM3730. To cater to the customer's demand of a small SOM for building IoT Applications, Industrial HMI, ...