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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/sencha-releases-web-app-lifecycle-management-platform/
4/15/2015 1:54:24 PM
Sencha Releases Web App Lifecycle Management Platform
App Developer Magazine

Sencha Releases Web App Lifecycle Management Platform

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Sencha, a provider of HTML5 desktop and mobile web application development technologies, has released the Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform., which facilitates a unified approach to application development including designing, rapidly prototyping, developing, testing, securely deploying and managing applications. 

Sencha’s Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform extends the integration between the Sencha Ext JS framework and Sencha Space management solution to help deliver analytics and debugging as well as providing the ability to identify performance problems and identify potential issues impacting an application’s architecture.

It is an open platform that integrates into a current IT environment with plugins for popular IDEs, integration with backend systems such as SAP and integration with Single Sign on, LDAP and more. The new platform will be generally available in June 2015 and is open and modular, so companies can opt to either purchase the full platform or the individual modular elements listed here:

- Sencha Ext JS
- Sencha Pivot Grid
- Sencha GXT
- Sencha Touch
- Sencha Space
- Sencha Cmd
- Sencha Architect

The capabilities and benefits of the new Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform include:

- App templates for Ext JS and the GXT frameworks so developers can design and modern web apps more quickly

- Theming tools for customizing the look-and-feel and creating personalized brands for organizations

- Single JavaScript framework to build applications for desktops, tablets and smart phones

- New Power UI components including the Sencha PivotGrid for robust data analysis

- Enhanced charting and data visualization capabilities

- Enhanced integrations into the developers’ workflow with IDE plugins

- Tablet support for GXT including touch gestures and momentum scrolling

- An early access version of Sencha Inspector, providing enhanced testing capabilities to identify potential performance issues and architectural complexity

- Enhanced application performance and activity reports

- In-app event capture and analytics

- Desktop debugging capabilities

Read more: http://www.sencha.com/web-application-lifecycle-m...

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