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2/25/2015 10:00:55 AM
New IBM MobileFirst Platform Supports Native, Web, and Hybrid Apps
App Developer Magazine

New IBM MobileFirst Platform Supports Native, Web, and Hybrid Apps

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

IBM has announced modular mobile solutions as part of the new IBM MobileFirst Platform to help organizations manage apps and support successful mobile adoption across the enterprise.

IBM MobileFirst Platform is a mobile enterprise application platform that helps developers create native, Web, or hybrid apps. Because it’s based on open standards, the MobileFirst Platform enables rapid changes for new devices, platforms, operating systems, and capabilities – and provides comprehensive and automated testing.

With access to cloud-based or on premise capabilities, developers using the IBM MobileFirst Platform can secure, personalize and integrate data from multiple sources to improve decision-making and the user experience. Developers can use the platform to build and deploy mobile apps, or integrate apps built with third party tools. It is optimized for native, HTML5 and hybrid development, or any combination of these approaches. IBM also offers a tailored version of the platform, designed specifically for native iOS development.

IBM MobileFirst Platform capabilities including the ability to:

- Continuously Improve: Collect in-app usage and feedback for enhanced sentiment analysis and crash analytics; more easily manage app iterations and release cycles.

- Secure: Protect enterprise data from exposure through mobile exploits using advanced user authentication and supporting app authenticity, encrypting local data and performing app scanning. 

- Contextualize and Personalize: Develop proximity-aware mobile apps to create relevant, contextual mobile experiences that connect insights from digital engagement and physical presence.

- Enable Data Rich Apps: Provide mobile data through the platform's Cloudant module that allows organizations to store, sync, scale and connect to data in enterprise systems.  
IBM has secured more than 4,300 patents in mobile, social and security, which have been incorporated into IBM MobileFirst solutions. To learn more about the platform, visit the MobileFirst portal.

Read more: http://www.ibm.com/mobilefirst/us/en/mobile-develo...

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