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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/duo-security-releases-api-edition-as-well-as-ios-and-android-sdks-for-two-factor-authentication/
10/15/2014 11:18:46 AM
Duo Security Releases API Edition as well as iOS and Android SDKs for Two Factor Authentication
App Developer Magazine

Duo Security Releases API Edition as well as iOS and Android SDKs for Two Factor Authentication

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Duo Security has released its Duo API Edition for cloud and mobile software providers to protect user account access. Duo API Edition enables developers to add two-factor authentication to their applications with Duo Security automatically handling of all of the operational aspects of authentication, such as key management and provisioning, alerting and reporting, self-service device management, and global scalability.

Duo API Edition is ideal for software as a service (SaaS) service providers offering remote access to sensitive information, such as an online banking application. Using Duo’s API Edition can help avoid potential security risks that can be found in recent reports of organizations who have built their own multifactor authentication solution.

Alongside the API Edition, Duo Security also is introducing its mobile SDK for iOS and Android, which offers a simple solution for mobile app providers to embed in-app authentication capabilities.

Duo API Edition starts at $3 per user per year with a minimum of 10,000 users. Volume discounts are available.

Read more: https://www.duosecurity.com/product

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