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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/genuitec-releases-myeclipse-2014-ide-for-java,-java-ee-and-mobile-app-development/
12/6/2013 1:28:59 PM
Genuitec Releases MyEclipse 2014 IDE for Java, Java EE and Mobile App Development
Genuitec, MyEclipse 2014, Java development, REST services, HTML5 app, Eclipse Kepler, enterprise mobile
App Developer Magazine

Genuitec Releases MyEclipse 2014 IDE for Java, Java EE and Mobile App Development

Friday, December 6, 2013

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Developers who want an integrated development environment to create enterprise apps for the cloud, as well as for desktop, web and mobile, can now take advantage of new enhancements to Genuitec’s MyEclipse platform.

MyEclipse 2014 now includes full specs for Java EE 7, enhanced REST Web Services for reverse engineering and mobilization, bundled JDK 1.7 support and is built on the latest Eclipse Kepler (version 4.3.1).

The MyEclipse 2014 also offers Eclipse Java developers the latest in jQuery and HTML5 mobile tools, allowing developers to design once with a single code base and configure apps for Android and iOS platforms including iOS 7. Developers can use the HTML5 wizards in the HTML5 Designer to get their mobile apps up and running fast.

For Genuitec's IBM WebSphere clients, the MyEclipse Blue workbench now includes the lightweight IBM Liberty Profile 8.5 connector with three new WebSphere editors, making it even easier to provision the features required by WAS applications, while simplifying development using existing IBM investments.

REST services have also been enhanced in the MyEclipse 2014 release to allow for a more simplistic reverse engineering experience in HTML5. REST also adds classes to a project, creates web services methods, and allows users to point to an entity for JPA reverse engineering.

MyEclipse 2014 features expanded Java EE 7 support with the full spec, libraries, and new editors. Additional features in MyEclipse 2014, include: color themes; Javascript support enhancements; IBM XML Binding Files editors; updated Spring Tools (new editors, fixed bugs); updated Maven support; updated XHTML JSF support as well as better validation and content assist for EL 2.2; and new JEE7 server connectors - Tomcat 8, Glassfish 4 and Wildfly 8

MyEclipse 2014 is available in a secure format, MyEclipse Secure 2014, which will allow Eclipse Java developers to design and deploy applications, share projects, profiles and configurations inside a private cloud, called the Secure Delivery Center (SDC). SDC can be used in conjunction with MyEclipse 2014 or with Eclipse IDE licenses to provide a natural path for instant delivery and enterprise license management.

Subscriptions to MyEclipse start at $30 USD and MyEclipse Pro Secure edition is priced at $99.99 USD. The MyEclipse Blue Secure Edition is $249.95 USD. All editions come with a free 30-day trial. Free trial users and those with current subscriptions receive all updates at no cost; enhanced service agreements available and vary in cost.

Read more: https://www.genuitec.com/products/

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