Introducing Electrode, an open source release from WalmartLabs

Posted on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 by CHRISTIAN HARGRAVE, Publishing Editor

WalmartLabs has announced the open source release of Electrode, the application platform powering

In e-commerce development, platform migration is serious business. Technology evolves constantly and it’s important to move and adapt to stay competitive. However, transforming an engineering organization is a completely different story.

The Electrode platform was built to solve core problems that every large scale organization faces:

1. Streamlined Development Cycle - When starting a new application, there are a lot of technologies and configurations that developers have to glue together (such as rendering on the server side, redux, web pack configs, etc). To jump start new applications, Electrode combines all of that into one package with a scalable structure that follows best practices.

2. Structure and Best Practices -  Electrode’s archetype system allows for easily managed and scaled applications.

3. Code Reuse -  Electrode’s archetypes ensure consistent structure, and tools like Electrode Explorer that make it easy to search through thousands of components.

4. Performance/Universal JavaScript - Electrode has also launched additional resources like Electrode Caching and Profiling, Above the Fold Render, and Redux Router Engine.

Electrode is split it into three parts: Electrode Core, Electrode Modules, and Electrode Tools.

1. Electrode Core - Get new projects started quickly with a simple, consistent structure that follows modern best practices.

2. Electrode Modules - Access pre-packaged modules that help complete a variety of complex tasks. These modules can be used independently of Electrode Core, which means you can integrate them into your existing apps

3. Electrode Tools - Use tools found in Electrode Explorer can help optimize JavaScript bundles (Electrify and Bundle Analyzer). These tools can be consumed by existing applications independently without consuming Electrode core.

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