Mobile World Congress Coverage

Posted on Monday, February 24, 2014 by RICHARD HARRIS, Executive Editor

It’s the Superbowl of mobile. A full 12 months since the last MWC is culminating week and all the big mobile teams are showcasing their best players. Its 4 days packed with everything digital tech ending on February 27.

And there is way more news than any single news outlet to cover. Fortunately, since our focus is the app development industry, we can focus on news that affects app developers. The event includes a component called “App Planet” which features content and exhibits specifically for the app industry and that will help us focus our efforts.

So we’ll watch the news coming out, and when we find something we think our readers will be interested in reading, we’ll cover. We can’t promise we won’t drift just a little, there is a lot of cool stuff happening.

To check out the event for yourself, check out the link below.

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