Latest Version of WinJS 4.0 Released Out of Preview

Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2015 by STUART PARKERSON, Global Sales

Preceding the upcoming release of Windows 10, Microsoft has released WinJS 4.0 out of preview. WinJS 4.0 supports the latest versions of browsers, including the new Microsoft Edge. 

WinJS is an open-source JavaScript library to use for building HTML, CSS, and JavaScript applications for the Windows Store with a consistent look and performance across all Windows devices. WinJS will work in any browser and can be used as a standalone solution or with other frameworks and libraries.

WinJS makes it possible to add Windows UI controls in HTML, such as ListView, FlipView, and Semantic Zoom, features like virtualizing collections, and high-quality infrastructure like page controls, promises, data-binding, and a template engine.

You can use WinJS not only for Universal Windows apps with HTML/JS, but also for websites, and when using HTML-based app technologies like Apache Cordova. The library consists of modules that bring JavaScript coding conventions to Windows Runtime functionality.

With an understanding that developers may be more familiar with, and may prefer to use, other frameworks for various parts of their app, WinJS 4.0 includes wrappers for AngularJS, KnockoutJS, and ReactJS. You can now create Windows or web applications using other web frameworks, while still having access to the set of controls that WinJS provides.

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