Perfecto Mobile Survey Shows Increased Selenium WebDriver Usage Driven By Enterprise Mobile Adoption

Posted on Thursday, October 9, 2014 by STUART PARKERSON, Global Sales

Perfecto Mobile has recently conducted a study which has found that 73 percent of organizations surveyed are currently using or evaluating Selenium and 57 percent of respondents said their organization is more interested in the tool than they were last year. 

In response to the results of the study, Perfecto Mobile is now offering network virtualization within functional and performance testing to users who are extending Selenium WebDriver to mobile, providing real-time insights and feedback from users throughout the testing process.  
The research shows that many organizations are adopting Selenium WebDriver to shift testing processes that have traditionally occurred towards the end of development to earlier in the lifecycle. 

With more enterprises making the transition to agile mobile development, Selenium WebDriver has become a choice for many for testing within the development cycle because of its light-weight design, ability to trigger parallel executions, and flexibility to quickly work in many different development languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, etc., plus its usefulness to extend to any browser or device. 
Perfecto Mobile’s MobileCloud Selenium WebDriver is a mobile-ready and enterprise-grade Selenium-based testing solution that enables teams to test web, native and hybrid mobile applications on real cloud-based devices. With this extension, users can utilize automated functional and performance testing capabilities in conjunction with a cloud-based device lab. 

This environment is both scalable and elastically expandable, providing enterprise-grade SLA for availability, device acquisition and management as well as 24/7 support and premium security.

More information on Perfecto Mobile’s, MobileCloud Selenium WebDriver on the company's website.

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