Mozilla and Goo Promote US$45K Game Creator Challenge to HTML5 App Developers

Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 by STUART PARKERSON, Global Sales

Mozilla and Goo are looking for all developers, from experienced game creators and JavaScript coders to those with just a little coding knowledge, to enter the Game Creator Challenge and a chance to win a part of US$45K. The contest is running now through January 14.

To create games, contestants will use the Goo platform consisting of Goo Engine – a 3D JavaScript gaming engine entirely built on WebGL/HTML5 – and Goo Create – a visual editing tool running on top of the engine. There are three categories in the contest: Best Amateur Interactive Game Scene, Best Desktop Game, and Best Mobile Game.

Best Amateur Interactive Game Scene

This part section of the contest is for creative tech enthusiasts and artists. To enter this section, developers will create a visually stunning interactive game scene in Goo Create using only the built in object primitives (Primitives are simple 3D shapes (cubes, spheres, and so forth) that can be manipulated and combined together to create characters or other objects in a scene).

This category is for those with little to no previous experience of game creation. The judges are looking for creativity when it comes to lighting, audio, landscape creation and character originality. The top 5 winners will receive $1,000 in cash and five year access to Goo Create Pro ($2900 value).

Best Desktop Game

The section of the contest is for creative coders and challenges you to create an immersive game level for the desktop browser using Goo Create in combination with Goo Engine JavaScript API. The judges are looking for originality in visual design, audio and interaction as well as demonstrating technical mastery in open Web technologies and how well the game keeps the player engaged.

One winner will receive a trip for two to the GDC Conference in San Francisco, USA which is scheduled for March 17 – 21, 2014 or to GamesCom  in Cologne, Germany on August 13-17 (maximum value $10,000). In lieu of one of the two trips the winner can choose to receive $5,000 cash. The winner will also receive five year access to Goo Create Pro ($2900 value) and one guest post on the Mozilla Apps blog.

Best Mobile Game

Also for creative coders this part of the contest includes creating an immersive game level for the mobile web using Goo Create in combination with Goo Engine JavaScript API – extra credit will be awarded for cross-platform games that also work on desktop.

The judges are looking for originality in visual design, audio and interaction as well as demonstrating technical mastery in open Web technologies and how well the game keeps the player engaged. Firefox for Android 26 will be used to judge the entries, running on hardware similar to a Nexus 4. Bonus points will be awarded if the game also runs on Firefox OS.

One winner will receive a trip for two to the GDC Conference in San Francisco, USA which is scheduled for March 17 – 21, 2014 or to GamesCom  in Cologne, Germany on August 13-17 (maximum value $10,000). In lieu of one of the two trips the winner can choose to receive $5,000 cash. The winner will also receive five year access to Goo Create Pro ($2900 value) and one guest post on the Mozilla Apps blog.

To register or receive more information click on the link below.

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