HTTP Client

HTTP Client news search results

Developer news items we found relating to HTTP Client

3 results

How to choose an Android HTTP Library

Monday, June 5, 2017 by

Today almost every Android app uses HTTP/HTTPS requests as the main transport for transferring data. Even if you're not using HTTP directly, you may be using multiple SDKs that rely on HTTP for networking, such as analytics, crash reporting and ads. So it’s fair to say that HTTP is the ubiquitous, and perhaps even obvious, choice for data transfers. But choosing HTTP in...


Google Releases New Android People API

Thursday, February 11, 2016 by

The Google Android dev team has release a new People API that allows Android developers to retrieve data about an authenticated user’s connections from their Contacts. Prior to the new API, developers had to make multiple calls to the Google+ API for user profiles and the Contacts API for contacts. The new People API uses the newest protocols and technologies and will e...


Azul Releases EA Zulu Build of OpenJDK Supporting Java 9 SE

Monday, November 2, 2015 by

Azul Systems (Azul), a provider of Java runtime solutions, has announced early access to Zulu, the company’s build of OpenJDK, supporting the Java 9 SE platform. Zulu is an enterprise-grade, certified build of OpenJDK that can be deployed across various operating systems, containers, hypervisors and cloud platforms.Zulu 9 is open source, freely distributable, incorporat...