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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/new-hp-haven-ondemand-takes-big-data-platform-to-the-cloud/
12/3/2014 10:00:34 AM
New HP Haven OnDemand Takes Big Data Platform to the Cloud
HP,HP Haven OnDemand,Hewlett Packard,Big Data,Big Data Platform,Cloud
App Developer Magazine

New HP Haven OnDemand Takes Big Data Platform to the Cloud

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

HP announced its new HP Haven OnDemand which help developers benefit from Big Data analytics and creating next-generation applications . Haven Big Data analytics has been integrated within the HP application portfolio. The company reached a milestone for its Big Data strategy allowing organizations access to all cloud-based key elements of HP's analytics platform. 
Developers can use developer-friendly APIs and advanced analytics. The HP Haven Big Data Platform is available in the cloud or on-premise. Using Haven OnDemand allows the organization to convert 100% of their data into action. 

HP Haven has several updated and new solutions. The HP Codar is a new offering from the company. It allows DevOps teams to move applications from development phase into pre-production. HP AppPulse Mobile is an innovative tool for businesses. Organizations can monitor, analyze and instrument user experiences via mobile apps. The HP AppPulse Mobile is a SaaS solutions which can measure both iOS and Android apps. 

HP Haven also includes connected intelligence by recently updating its HP Operations Analytics, HP Propet and HP Service Anywhere. These latest updates are equipped for a new breed of enterprises which are applying Big data analytics.

Haven's applications have outstanding features such as being able to use the Vertical analytics platform which allows businesses to identify patterns which are vast in varieties of data.  Reducing security risks can also be minimized by using data to identify fraudulent activities and any security threats or breaches quickly. The data analytics can allow the organizations to see where the risk is actually increasing and identify any public sentiment shifts.

Organizations today need to have access to all types of data. HP Haven  is capable of transforming the enterprise as developers, customers and partners can use the platform and access the software from the data center to mobile and leverage customer-facing applications. Faster insights and deriving valuable data analytics functions are received within minutes. 

HP aims to offer the Big data platform to its developers, partners and customers in an adaptive and accessible manner. Organizations are able to manage costs and risks better while at the same time capitalize on emerging opportunities.


Read more: http://www.hp.com

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