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5/6/2022 9:55:46 AM
NFT partnership to create fashion pieces
App Developer Magazine

NFT partnership to create fashion pieces

Friday, May 6, 2022

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Ready has announced an NFT partnership with Epik and SmileyWorld to create an animated textured NFT fashion collection for Ready Games' app ICON Avatar Fashion Universe. Ready's vision is to enable players to express themselves with clothing and game assets.

Ready has announced a new partnership with SmileyWorld, the lifestyle brand from Smiley that revolutionized Smileys in technology, and EPIK Prime Team, a licensing agency putting brands into video games. The brands will collaborate together to create virtual fashion pieces for Ready Games' app ICON Avatar Fashion Universe. This will be Ready and Epik's third NFT partnership, having sold out their last NFT collection the weekend of DCentral Miami.

Ready and Epik's third NFT partnership

"Ready's innovative NFT technology provides brands and creators the opportunity to elevate fashion collections in the digital space. Our vision is for our players to be able to express themselves through clothing and game assets. The Smiley World brand's influential smiley emoticons couldn't have been a more perfect fit for our first animated textured NFT fashion collection. This collection is fresh, playful, and wonderfully iridescent,  truly brilliant," says Christina Macedo, COO of the Ready group.

As Smiley approaches its 50th anniversary, the ICON collaboration will play a part in the celebration with a bespoke collection of SmileyWorld virtual fashion. In the ICON app, users will have 21 SmileyWorld pieces to add to their virtual fashion closets and use as they develop their virtual presence on the avatar creation and social media platform in April. Outside the app through the Epik marketplace, ICON and SmileyWorld will auction off 6 rare NFT pieces, including one Epik finale dress at a later date.

"Launching a collection of SmileyWorld virtual fashions with Ready Games is an exciting leap into the metaverse for The Smiley Company. The ICON app is the perfect launching pad for digital fashions from our lifestyle brand born in the digital universe and built on self-expression. The animated patterns and avatars made possible by Ready's ground-breaking technology will allow users to express their moods in a bold new way with SmileyWorld, and the NFT auction of rare pieces powered by EPIK will be a key moment in our 50th-anniversary celebrations," says Lori Heiss-Tiplady SVP Digital at The Smiley Company.

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