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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/lantronix-intros-mach10-for-oems-to-build-webscale-iot-apps/
1/26/2017 9:04:29 AM
Lantronix intros MACH10 for OEMs to build webscale IoT apps
IoT Platform,IoT Apps,IoT Application Development
App Developer Magazine

Lantronix intros MACH10 for OEMs to build webscale IoT apps

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Lantronix, Inc. has announced the next step in filling out the Company’s IoT strategy with the introduction of MACH10, a multi-dimensional management software platform designed specifically to enable OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to quickly and profitably deliver web-scale IoT applications and services.  

“With more than two decades of experience as an OEM providing robust connectivity solutions to thousands of manufacturers building connected products, Lantronix has firsthand insight into the unmet needs of IoT OEMs,” said Jeff Benck, CEO of Lantronix. “Most IoT platforms provide infrastructure to move some data between the device and cloud, leaving the complexity of building applications around the data to the OEM. MACH10 has been architected from the ground up to dramatically simplify the complexity of building web-scale IoT applications and accelerate time to market, so that OEMs can add value to their connected products without reinventing the wheel.”

The Company also announced the publication of its latest white paper, “Busting The Myths of OEM IoT Application Development” which highlights some of the considerations and common misconceptions OEMs face when contemplating how to deliver a comprehensive smart connected solution.

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